Can you believe that there is approximately 6 weeks until Christmas? It seems that by the time that I recover from one Christmas season its a few months away from another one. It's the large retail stores like
Wal-Mart, Hobby Lobby, and Garden Ridge that introduce me every year, around the month of September, to the idea that Christmas is almost within reach. Now before you start assuming that I speak negatively about Christmas, I will have you know that I can sing just about every word to the White Christmas soundtrack and usually begin listening to Christmas music in October. For this year, my tree is already up and ready to be garnished with color. With all this talk about Christmas, have you started thinking about gifts ideas, your personal spending budget, holiday recipes, and Christmas cards? Now I know what you might be thinking..."Christmas!! I just want to enjoy Thanksgiving first." And you are right, but it doesn't mean that you can't prepare yourself for the time of the year that is the busiest for ALL retailers and can cause the most stress with family, cooking, parties, gifts and, for many this year, money! If you come prepared you will likely be able to actually enjoy your Christmas holiday. For this months' tip I want to propose that you put together a Holiday Planner. Last year I experimented with a Holiday Planner and found that it was ever so helpful. My Holiday Planner consists of a small 4"x 6" booklet that has 5 accordion pockets on the left side and a notepad/pencil on the right. In the accordion file I was able to keep track of all my receipts, holiday recipes that I might have found in magazines, coupons, purchased gift cards and even spare cash. I used the notepad to write down gift ideas, keep track of my spending budget, stocking stuffer ideas and even in comparing prices within similar department stores. Its a great item to keep by your bedside to jot-down gift ideas as they come into your head, especially when they are keeping you from sleep. For those of you that are a little OCD this might be old news to you because you couldn't have lived without something similar. But for those you that are wanting to try it out, here are a few ideas to get you started. These ideas range from most expensive to cheapest.
- Purchase this Holiday Planner at Amazon.com - $16.50 "Simplify Your Holiday" by Marcia Ramslan Although I have not read this book, it appears to offer a long list of checklists and to-do's for a successful year-after-year experience.
- Download and print similar templates that are found in the book to create a small and personal binder. Just purchase/find a 3-ring binder and follow this website to DIY (Do It Yourself). http://christmas.organizedhome.com/printable/christmas-planner
- Grab a small notepad from home and find an unused, enveloped-sized accordion file. You might even own a receipt organizer that can be temporarily emptied for a month or so.
For options 2 & 3 be sure to label the dividers specifically to your needs. Also, make it fun. Allow your creative side to come out by using modge podge to glue on Christmas pictures to the front or add red and green rhinestones. You want to be proud of what you have created. If you take some personal interest in it, you are more likely to use it more and show it off to family, friends and coworkers. This might be a good way to encourage some family members to hop on the "organized" band wagon, making Christmas day even more enjoyable for everyone.
Lastly, be smart this year and really sit down and create a list of people that you need to buy for and how much you are looking to spend. Trust me, once you add up your list (and don't forget to include a decor budget and gifts for office exchange parties) you will be shocked by how much Christmas can cost. Merry Organizing this Christmas!!!
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