Here are a few interesting before and after pictures.
1. Built In Drawers
2. His Side
3. Back Wall
4. Her Side
1. Built in Drawers
2. His Side
3. Back Wall
4. Her Side
Before I made this closet look organized I had to create chaos and pull out most items that were once on the floor and on the shelves. Clothes were sorted into "throw away","donate", and "keep" piles, while hanging clothes found a home with other like items. I like to sort shirts and skirts by color then organize from shortest to longest. The pre-existing space did not accomodate for his or her amount of shoes therefore a few products were bought to bring sanity to their shoe collection. These clients were on a budget, so for under $60 the entire closet was organized (2 shoes racks for each person and 2 dividers to sort her binder/portfolios.) In between his side and the built-in drawers was a bare wall where I decided to hang a full length mirror (slightly seen in "his side" pic) to add volume to the closet and really catch the eye of the female viewers. (Come on, what woman wouldn't want a full length mirror in THEIR CLOSET. I have to stand on a chair or the tub to see the bottom half of my outfit. : ) Summer clothes and less frequently worn items were hung on the 3rd level while purses were placed in previously owned containers. And like every closet that has it's odds and ends, each item eventually found a suitable home. What once was a cluttered catastrophe became a spacious haven for home buyers.
If you know of anyone needing some assistance in getting their home organized and sold, please let me know. The organization and tone of a home can make a huge impact on home buyers.
Please feel free to make comments! I always love hearing from you.