Spring is such an inspiring season. Trees are blooming, new flowers are popping up, and the weather welcomes an afternoon walk or an evening stroll. But as with all things, we have to take the bad with the good. Not only is it a huge time for allergies and sinus pressure but its a reminder that your yard, flower bed, refrigerator, garage, and closets could all use some TLC to be ready for another year. In addition to the inspiration that Spring is giving you, I also wanted to pass on a little motivation to get your home singing with the birds. This checklist doesn't include every cleaning and organization product that you need, but a few that will make the biggest impact in each space of your home.
1. New Sponges
2. Mop/Broom - Its a good idea to invest in a new mop and broom
on a yearly basis, its worth it for as much as you use it. Or should use it. : )
3. Bucket
4. Cleaning Caddy
1. New Toilet Brush
2. Sorted Laundry Hamper - By now you have a pattern for laundry. Find a hamper
that compliments your pattern. Ex: Lights/Darks, With wheels, Removable Liner to carry downstairs/upstair.s
3. Under Sink Organizer - Clean out those Q-tips and hair bands that never made it to the canister or trash, then organize what is left.
4. Drawer Organizer - Measure your drawers and make a list of what is inside them. Shop for an organizer or individual organizers that fit in the drawer perfectly and that divide what you own.
5. Vanity Compartments - If you use Q-tips and Cotton balls every day it would be a good idea to invest in some sort of jars/canisters that can sit on top of you vanity and still look nice.
1. Closet Rod Doubler - Moving into spring and summer you might be packing away the winter pants, dresses and skirts that take up the long hanging space. Adding a closet rod doubler will increase the amount of short hanging space in your closet.
2. Boot Box/Hanging Device - If you have more shelf space a boot box would be your answer,but if you have some extra hanging space the boot shapers would be suitable. Check out this link to get an idea of the boot shapers that I am referring to. Boot Shapers 3. Bins for Scarfs/Hats/Winter Purses - Finding canvas or wicker bins with lids is suggested. A lidded bin will keep dust out until next winter comes around. These same bins can also be used for baseball caps, flip-flops, summer scarves etc. when winter comes back and its time to make the switch.
4. Wall Mounted Hooks for Necklaces - If you have a walk-in closet you probably have room for one of these. It keeps your necklaces untangled and out of a drawer.
1. Upper/Lower Cabinet Organizers - Although everything behind cabinets is hidden, it helps your sanity when "what's behind" is organized. Pull out drawers, lid organizers, and divider shelves make a world of difference in every kitchen.
2. Drawer Organizers - Even the junk drawer should be sorted and organized. Trust me, it can. happen. At most it will take you 15 minutes to go through all of your misc items.
3. Recycle Bins - If you have room in your pantry, place recycling bins labeled plastic/aluminum/paper. If you are grossed out by having it in your pantry, the garage would be the next suitable location.
4. Garbage Disposal Freshener - Every disposal needs some freshening up, go to your local food market and check the cleaning aisle. If you can't find it there check out this link. Garbage Disposal Freshener
1. 2010 File Box - It's a good idea to have a box for each year.
2. File Folders - Color coordinate your files with red, green, blue, yellow, white etc. folders. Put all your personal files in green, place your taxes in red, medical documents in the blue etc.
3. Charging Station - Everyone has several ipods, MP3 players, cameras, and phones now, so why not have them all in one place?
4. Magazine Rack - On the wall, floor, or book shelf, a magazine rack is usually helpful. We all have a subscription or magazine that we like to keep.
5. Letter Sorter
6. Paper Trays
1. Storage Containers - In order to hide the nasty paint cans and chemicals, buy a dark colored plastic bin and place it high on a shelf.
2. Bicycle Hooks - Whether you have vertical or horizontal space, get the bikes off the ground.
3. Tool Box - Do you have a decent tool box that allows you to find the tool you need every time? Or do you need to rummage through rusty bins and drawers to find the right one? It's nice to have a new and clean tool box that will sort the nails, screws, and large hand tools, so go out and buy yourself and/or your husband a handy tool box.
4. Sports Equipment Storage - A large basket or bin will do the trick just make sure its kid friendly and allows them access without damaging your vehicles or walls.
5. Auto Organizer - These aren't very common but let me tell you, they are AWESOME. Check out the links below to see a few ideas.
6. Key Hook - Label your keys and hang them where they can be found.
The checklist seems a little overwhelming at first glance, but take it a day or week at a time. Honestly, you can do most of this in a weekend. It's just a matter of DOING it. Trust me, I am the same way with yard work. It takes some motivation to get it done but it ALWAYS feels so good when its finished.
As always feel free to email me with questions. There are several places to shop for all these products but I can give you an idea of where to start. Just let me know.